L’animal dans la ressource

Published December 18, 2023

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How Big Ag Uses Farmers to Influence European Democracies

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Nordic Animal Law: Welfare and Rights

Alice Di Concetto (Executive Director and Chief Legal Adviser) authored a chapter on EU Animal Law in the newly-published book “Nordic Animal Law: Welfare and Rights” (Ethics Press, 2024). This book provides an overview of animal protection laws in the Nordic countries, and is now available for purchase (hardcopies and e-book).

Book cover with the following information: Title: Nordic Animal Law: Welfare and Rights Authors: Birgitta Wahlberg, Vegard Bo Bahus, Sacha Lucassen, Alice DiConcetto, Tero Kirvinen, Tarja Koskela, Visa Kurki, Veera Koponen, Sunniva Brago-Ellenes, and Olivia Palenius.

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Tête d'un cochon dans un pré en contre-jour
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