Spain, 2010. Jo-Anne McArthur / Animal Equality / We Animals Media.

areas of work

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areas of work

  • The treatment of animals for food purposes in law and policy, including EU animal welfare legislation, the EU Green Deal and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
  • Animal welfare standards in voluntary certifications, such as the EU Organic and the EU Quality Signs regulations
  • The regulation of consumer information pertaining to the treatment of farm animals used as ingredients for food production, such as front-of-pack labeling
  • The treatment of animals for fiber purposes in law and policy
  • Regulation of the production and commercialization of alternatives to conventionally-farmed animal source products (plant-based and cell-based)
  • Efforts to contain and combat legal exemptions (including common industry practices and traditions)

  • The legal treatment of animals used for scientific purposes
  • The regulation of alternatives to in vivo models
  • The EU and Member States policies to phase out animal-based science

  • The legal treatment of wild animals in captivity for entertainment purposes (zoos, circuses, film industry, etc.)
  • The legal treatment of animals used in traditions and rites (bullfighting, cockfighting, ritual slaughter, etc.)

  • Laws and policies to curb biodiversity extinction
  • Laws and policies to combat wildlife trafficking
  • The laws and regulation regarding private ownership of wild animals
  • The legal treatment of so-called “invasive species”
  • Hunting laws

  • International law and policy instruments regulating the treatment of animals as tradable goods and natural ressources (UN Conventions, OIE Codes, Free Trade Agreements, etc.)
  • World Trade Organization (WTO) rules and relevant interpretation of WTO agreements by the WTO’s Dispute Settlement Body, and their articulation with EU and national laws

what we do

The European Institute for Animal Law & Policy provides advocacy organization with the highest-quality service to bolster the animal protection movement in Europe and beyond.

The Institute provides top-notch legal research services in French and English, under the form of hourly consultations and weekly to monthly research projects.

Deliverables are tailored to our partners’ needs. Formats include memoranda, reports, white papers, and oral presentation.

The Institute provides strategic expertise to assist partners in implementing legal and regulatory reforms.

We identify upcoming reform opportunities and map out relevant actors (“stakeholders”) whose actions can affect lawmaking. We then connect our partners to our vast network of professionals within the industry and the EU institutions.

The Institute also advises partners in building advocacy pleas and pitching them to stakeholders.

The Institute’s core mission is to empower its partners through training and education. Training solutions are custom-made, for all levels and all group sizes.
Available courses include animal law and European law classes for all levels, as well as practical sessions that would teach professionals how to navigate the EU institutions and its law-making process.

Our goal is to make our partners more performant in their daily work in the short term, and fully autonomous in the longer term.

We provide monitoring services to EU Public Affairs professionals under the form of a newsletter.

Our targeted updates include ongoing and prospective public consultations, court rulings (European Court of Justice, European Court of Human Rights, and national courts when relevant to EU law), scientific publications, industry and NGO campaigns, and calls for contributions to publications or events.


The Institute’s newsletter provides readers with timely EU animal law and policy news, as well as updates from around the world. We also feature job postings, publications, calls for papers, event listings, and more. Our newsletter currently reaches hundreds of subscribers on a bimonthly basis, and our globally diverse readership includes animal advocates, academics, and government officials in the EU and beyond. Stay in the loop and subscribe today.

The French edition of our newsletter focuses on news and updates in French-speaking EU countries, which are France, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Even though some content of our English and French editions overlap, not all of the content will be the same. For example, the French version may contain information not covered in the English edition. For this reason. we recommend French readers to subscribe to both newsletters.

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