Powerful Photos Reveal the Hidden Costs of Factory Farming

© WeAnimals Media

It’s all too easy to fool ourselves when we think about where our food comes from. Say the word “farm” and the average person may think of open fields, animals roaming freely, and harmony between nature and agriculture.

But the reality is starkly different for millions of animals across Europe.

To uncover the true face of intensive farming, the European Institute for Animal Law and Policy and the European Environmental Bureau are presenting a compelling photography exhibition at the European Parliament, “Factory Farming: Unveiling the Hidden Costs”, on 24th-27th March 2025.

Hosted by MEPs Tilly Metz (Greens/EFA), Manuela Ripa (EPP), Krzysztof Śmiszek (S&D), Michal Wiezik (Renew), and Anja Hazekamp (GUE/NGL), the exhibition showcases powerful images capturing the stark realities of this cruel and unsustainable farming model. 

From extreme confinement to environmental devastation, these works from photojournalists including the award-winning Jo-Anne McArthur – who is guest speaker at the exhibition’s launch event – reveal the true cost of factory farming on animals, human health, and ecosystems. 

Alongside the images, eye-opening infographics offer data-driven insights into the scale of these problems and the urgent need for a transition towards a more ethical and environmentally responsible agricultural model.

This is not just an exhibition; it’s a call to action for a more ethical future. 

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